"Bob LeChevalier" <lojbab at lojban.org> wrote in message
news:ac6kqu033fi1v5n6isgvikg65oso9g574c at 4ax.com...
> "John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
> >"Bob LeChevalier" <lojbab at lojban.org> wrote in message
> >news:efvfquovd2l46qvs99k11vhmhgp1g46789 at 4ax.com...> >> "John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
> >> >The majority of Europeans were OPPOSED to WWII.
> >>
> >> I'm sure. But Hitler's troops didn't exactly give most of them a
> >> choice.
> >
> >Precisely the point. And the exact same thing is now happening in the US
> >with this "war" on Iraq, and it's being orchestrated by the SAME enemy
> >foreign power which got us into WWII.
>> Japan? Not likely.
>> You do remember Pearl Harbor, don't you.
The Zionists orchestrated that event, just as they're orchestrating this
"war" on Iraq.
Why? To distract our attention from the fact that Zionism has succeeded at
it's wildest dream, which was to transfer all American bank assets from the
US to Japan.
This is why Japan now has a $71 trillion monetary base and the US has
OFFICIALLY $18 trillion in DEBT.
>> >> >Three quarters of Americans were OPPOSED to the US entering WWII.
> >>
> >> Not on the day after Pearl Harbor. And note that Germany declared war
> >> on the US.
> >
> >How do you know? Because you believe a government which you KNOW LIES to
> >you? Great.
>> There are historical records in *many* countries indicating that
> Germany declared war on the US a couple of days after Pearl Harbor.
> We did not need to declare war on Germany.
The jew Roosevelt did everything in his power to force Germany and Japan to
attack first, at the very same time he LIED to the American people that
their sons wouldn't be fighting in a world war.
The Germans took a lot of hits before they finally declared war.
>> >On top of that, it's fairly well documented that the jews orchestrated
> >Harbor in order to convince Americans to enter a war we shouldn't have
> >entered,
>> So now you claim that the Jews were in charge of the Japanese
> military?
The simple fact that it was the "American" "jewish" "banker" Jacob Schiff
who funded the Bolshevik Revolution, and both sides of the Russo-Japanese
War, is proof enough that the Japanese and jews were in close collaboration
with each other. If they could have been working closely enough together to
engage in total war on one side of the planet, what's to make you believe
they didn't do it on the other side as well?
It's obviously the "jews" or Zionists who are manipulating us into a "war"
with Iraq. Why do you believe they didn't orchestrate WWII?
>> >> >The vast majority of the rest of the world were opposed to it,
> >>
> >> I'm sure, but the Japanese did not give the Chinese, the Koreans and
> >> the southeast Asians a choice.
> >
> >Another war which wouldn't have happened if Jacob Schiff, an "American"
> >"banker" [read: a JEW] hadn't funded both sides of the Russo-Japanese
>> What does that have to do with the Japanese invasion of China?
The invasion of China was funded from the same source as the Russo-Japanese
War--the jew Schiff.
>> >> >just as the vast majority of most citizens around
> >> >the world are opposed to us attacking Iraq. 70% of Americans believe
> >> >state of the US economy is more important than a "war" with Iraq
> >>
> >> The Democrats would love this to be true.
> >
> >Even the "news" media polls show this to be true, but the private polls
> >99% of Americans OPPOSED to this "war".
>> You mean your nincompoop poll that only you vote on?
>> lojbab
No, even though they are far more credible than jew run organizations like
Gallup, Reuters' confirmed our results when they confirmed that two thirds
of Americans blame our support of jews to be the major cause of problems
Wouldn't Israel be a better target than Iraq. Isn't Ariel Sharon a far
bigger war criminal than Sadam Hussein?
John Knight