"Bob LeChevalier" <lojbab at lojban.org> wrote in message
news:efvfquovd2l46qvs99k11vhmhgp1g46789 at 4ax.com...
> "John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
> >The majority of Europeans were OPPOSED to WWII.
>> I'm sure. But Hitler's troops didn't exactly give most of them a
> choice.
Precisely the point. And the exact same thing is now happening in the US
with this "war" on Iraq, and it's being orchestrated by the SAME enemy
foreign power which got us into WWII.
>> >Three quarters of Americans were OPPOSED to the US entering WWII.
>> Not on the day after Pearl Harbor. And note that Germany declared war
> on the US
How do you know? Because you believe a government which you KNOW LIES to
you? Great.
On top of that, it's fairly well documented that the jews orchestrated Pearl
Harbor in order to convince Americans to enter a war we shouldn't have
entered, and which gave the jews all the control of our own government that
they needed to completely loot it.
>> >The vast majority of the rest of the world were opposed to it,
>> I'm sure, but the Japanese did not give the Chinese, the Koreans and
> the southeast Asians a choice.
Another war which wouldn't have happened if Jacob Schiff, an "American"
"banker" [read: a JEW] hadn't funded both sides of the Russo-Japanese War.
>> >just as the vast majority of most citizens around
> >the world are opposed to us attacking Iraq. 70% of Americans believe the
> >state of the US economy is more important than a "war" with Iraq
>> The Democrats would love this to be true.
Even the "news" media polls show this to be true, but the private polls show
99% of Americans OPPOSED to this "war".
Yes, the now discredited jew-run Gallup organizaion DOES manipulate "public
opinion" with their jew run polls.
> >You raise a good point. How can Congress claim to be "civilized" when it
> >keeps waging uncivilized wars on every gnat in sight.
>> It hasn't waged war on YOU yet, and YOU are the most uncivilized gnat
> I've ever known about.
>> lojbab
When the chips are on the table, it's you jews and "liberals" and feminazis
and niggers and other muds who'll be running for cover--but it's too late.
You've already been discovered.
John Knight