On Sun, 13 Oct 2002 11:22:24 +1300, me wrote:
>I'm looking for quality, (neuro)scientifically informed information about
>increasing my verbal fluency. My linguistic abilities are fine, but I often
>find myself grasping for words or unable to adequately express myself in
>conversation. Any recommendations for exercises I could perform, or
>resources (journal articles, books, websites, etc) I could peruse would be
>much appreciated.
>>(ideas about Palm software would be neat too)
That's a knowledge problem, not a language problem. Learn more. EG, read
more. Besides the more you learn, the more you want to learn, and life
becomes a whole lot more amusing.
If you are referring to "tip of the tongue" glitches, I know of no way to
reduce or eliminate them. Stress seems to be a factor in producing them - so
maybe if you can relax more? Take a drink or two, maybe? "Wine looseneth the
Best Wishes,
Wolf Kirchmeir
Blind River, Ontario
You can observe a lot by watching
(Yogi Berra, Phil. Em.)