looking for information about increasing verbal fluency

Bob Nienhuis nienhuis at wgn.net
Sun Oct 13 14:02:00 EST 2002

Don't have anything to add from a scientific point of view, but from
a personal perspective, I believe that verbal fluency is (partially)
a learned skill.

I belonged to a little theatre group in college, and found that it 
increased my verbal skills tremendously. I even frightened myself with
my abilities to be convincing, even when I knew in my heart that I
know what I was talking about (Regan effect).

I would recommend little theatre or a group like Toastmasters.

nienhuis at wgn.net

me wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking for quality, (neuro)scientifically informed information about
> increasing my verbal fluency.  My linguistic abilities are fine, but I often
> find myself grasping for words or unable to adequately express myself in
> conversation.  Any recommendations for exercises I could perform, or
> resources (journal articles, books, websites, etc) I could peruse would be
> much appreciated.
> Cheers!
> (ideas about Palm software would be neat too)

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