looking for information about increasing verbal fluency

Doc Kunda, The Urban Shaman tantric.one at wt.net
Sun Oct 13 12:26:01 EST 2002

me wrote:

> Hi,I'm looking for quality, (neuro)scientifically informed information about
> increasing my verbal fluency.  My linguistic abilities are fine, but I often
> find myself grasping for words or unable to adequately express myself in
> conversation.  Any recommendations for exercises I could perform, or
> resources (journal articles, books, websites, etc) I could peruse would be
> much appreciated.  Cheers!

Although you specifically asked for "(neuro)scientifically informed 
information" I offer you this advice which has profited me much over the 
years.  Then I will add some good literary references that may help you.

To develop your linguistic abilities you need to have linguistic forms 
and a massive vocabulary in total recall.  This way on the fly the words 
and phrases just flow naturally.

If you make daily reading a lifelong habit this talent will develop 
naturally.  Become addicted to learning and reading all sorts of 
material.  My addiction for the last 20 years has been non fiction. 
Without ant formal training my eloquence in conversation has developed well.

Here are several good book in my personal library, most of them 
classics, that can assist you as well.

The Art of Conversation, by James A. Morris Jr.
The Art of Interpretive Speech, by Charles H. Woolbert and Severina E. 
Effective Speaking, by Dale Carnegie
The Teacher Speaks, By Fessenden, Johnson, Larson
How to Win Friends and Influence people, by Dale Carnegie
The Challenge of Effective Speaking, Verderber

Love and Peace,

Doc Kunda
The Urban Shaman

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