On Sat, 12 Oct 2002 2:04:38 -0500, John Knight wrote
(in message <aQPp9.137325$S32.9855810 at news2.west.cox.net>):
>> "Dan Holzman" <holzman at panix.com> wrote in message
> news:ao2ede$djk$1 at panix1.panix.com...>> In article <dmYo9.125175$S32.8964661 at news2.west.cox.net>,
>> John Knight <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
>>>>>> The above is not a DEFINITION of RACE. The "court" didn't even attempt
> to
>>> "define" RACE. The court MERELY responded to the cultural definition of
>>> "WHITE", as established THOUSANDS of years ago, long before the "court"
> ever
>>> even thought about it.
>>>> John doesn't realize it, but here he makes my point -- the definition
>> of race has no scientific basis.
>>>> You have no point.
>> No jew ever has a point, other than the one on the tops of their heads.
>Then why do you spend hours upon hours attempting to prove that Jews are so
stupid that they run everything and control everyone?
Is it possible that the only minds they can't control are those minds so
deranged that they're nonfunctional?
And so John Knight has escaped both mind control and Saint Jude's Home for
the Hopeless of Unknown Parentage.
>> There isn't a culture on the planet who needs scientists or courts or
> biologists or dictionaries or encyclopedias to tell them that jews are a
> STRANGE RACE. No race needs to run a DNA test on a jew to know that they're
> freaks of nature. But there isn't a single word written by credible
> scientists or biologists or even "judges" which disputes even ONE culture's
> definition of race. Japanese call White men "Gajins", Mexicans call them
> "Blancos", Indians call them "Palefaces", niggers call them "Honkeys",
> Panamanians call them "Norte Americanos", Koreans call them "Round
> Eyes"--and none of them need some STUPID jew to tell them they don't know
> what they're talking about.
>> There will never be a meeting of the minds between jews and normal people,
> which is why 86 nations before us booted you STUPID jews right out on your
> wide as.es, and why we're going to be number 89 if we don't hurry.
>> John Knight