brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Bob LeChevalier lojbab at lojban.org
Sat Oct 12 05:55:48 EST 2002

"John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
>The majority of Europeans were OPPOSED to WWII.

I'm sure.  But Hitler's troops didn't exactly give most of them a

>Three quarters of Americans were OPPOSED to the US entering WWII.

Not on the day after Pearl Harbor.  And note that Germany declared war
on the US

>The vast majority of the rest of the world were opposed to it,

I'm sure, but the Japanese did not give the Chinese, the Koreans and
the southeast Asians a choice.

>just as the vast majority of most citizens around
>the world are opposed to us attacking Iraq.  70% of Americans believe the
>state of the US economy is more important than a "war" with Iraq

The Democrats would love this to be true.

>You raise a good point.  How can Congress claim to be "civilized" when it
>keeps waging uncivilized wars on every gnat in sight.

It hasn't waged war on YOU yet, and YOU are the most uncivilized gnat
I've ever known about.


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