"John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
>"Bob LeChevalier" <lojbab at lojban.org> wrote in message
>news:ke5equ8qtnu7073qikmc0uhmk728303k4h at 4ax.com...>> >Africans didn't fail to develop those resources because they
>> >weren't "lucky"--they failed to develop them because they are INCAPABLE of
>> >comprehending Christianity, whereas the White man CAN understand it.
>>>> Then why can't you?
>>>> lojbab
>>We did already.
You can't read. You are not plural, and you do not and did not
comprehend Christianity.
>We moved to this continent less than 500 years ago and within 400 years had
>developed one of the most successful economies on the planet, with world
>class educational institutions,
You are referring to those public schools you so often decry? The
ones that have mostly been taught by female teachers ever since there
have been schools?
>the most advanced R&D ever known,
Recognizing that most of those scientists graduated from
aforementioned public schools, and a significant percentage of them
are among the Jews that you hate.
>and the once highest personal savings level ever.
Prove it. Americans have never been savers.
>The first BIG mistake was letting welfare queens, criminals, and LIARS like
Some of them were citizens since Thomas Jefferson became a citizen.
>and jews become citizens
And they have been citizens since Thomas Jefferson was a citizen.
>and the BIGGEST mistake was
>not shipping all the welfare queens back to their countries of origin.
For most of them, that country was the United States.
But we should ship you back to your "country of origin", the domain of
your Father the Prince of Lies. You might find the weather a bit warm
for your taste, but that is YOUR problem.