brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Bob LeChevalier lojbab at lojban.org
Sat Oct 12 05:43:03 EST 2002

"John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
>There isn't a culture on the planet who needs scientists or courts or
>biologists or dictionaries or encyclopedias to tell them that jews are a
>STRANGE RACE.  No race needs to run a DNA test on a jew to know that they're
>freaks of nature.  But there isn't a single word written by credible
>scientists or biologists or even "judges" which disputes even ONE culture's
>definition of race.

Cultures define races quite differently.  You immediately disprove
your claim above regarding Jews with:

>Japanese call White men "Gajins", Mexicans call them
>"Blancos", Indians call them "Palefaces", niggers call them "Honkeys",
>Panamanians call them "Norte Americanos", Koreans call them "Round

And EVERY single one of those uses the SAME label for Jewish white
people as for Christian white people (although you are WRONG about
Panamanians, who would not likely call a European white a
"norteamericano", and I am not sure that the Koreans would not call a
darkskinned Mexican or even a black a "Round Eye".

>--and none of them need some STUPID jew to tell them they don't know
>what they're talking about.

It is YOU who doesn't know what you are talking about.

>There will never be a meeting of the minds between jews and normal people,
>which is why 86 nations before us booted you STUPID jews right out on your
>wide as.es,

None of which forbid Jews in their countries today (though it is
probably not too comfortable for a Jew in some Moslem countries)

>and why we're going to be number 89 if we don't hurry.

Not likely, and we won't be doing it anyway.  We'd sooner boot YOU


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