brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

John Knight jwknight at polbox.com
Sat Oct 12 02:30:47 EST 2002

"Cary Kittrell" <cary at afone.as.arizona.edu> wrote in message
news:ao6ua7$ibe$1 at oasis.ccit.arizona.edu...
> In article <nKCp9.133369$S32.9645526 at news2.west.cox.net> "John Knight"
<jwknight at polbox.com> writes:
> <
> <"Lance O. Lake" <hammer at stakepounders.us> wrote in message
<news:0001HW.B9CB84EB001A5CD215ABA7A0 at news-east.giganews.com...
>     {...}
> <> Of course if you're equating civilization with superpower,
> <> that would be the last century Japan, Germany, Communist
> <> China, India, Pakistan, Israel and possibly a few others. If
> <> you think civilization is determined by your kill ratio.
> <>
> <> Lance
> <
> <
> <White Christian Israelites from Europe have spent centuries and hundreds
> <billions of dollars to attempt to civilize niggers in Africa, and failed
> <miserably.  In the short time since the British pulled out of Tanzania,
> <civilized part of it has almost completely disappeared.  The banks,
> <schools, churches, government buildings, etc., built by the British are
> <already almost beyond recognition, and the niggers I know there literally
> <fear for their lives.  In spite of all the stories about how nasty the
> <British and French colonialists were, most people in those countries were
> <very sorry to see them leave.
> <
> <Civilization isn't based on "courage and strength of character" (which
> <mostly the catalyst to niggers killing each other by the tens of
> As opposed to your 48 million (occasionally: 150 million) white
> Christians killing each other in one single war.
> -- cary

The majority of Europeans were OPPOSED to WWII.  Three quarters of Americans
were OPPOSED to the US entering WWII.  The vast majority of the rest of the
world were opposed to it, just as the vast majority of most citizens around
the world are opposed to us attacking Iraq.  70% of Americans believe the
state of the US economy is more important than a "war" with Iraq

So you have to wonder what it is about our government that it keeps on doing
things that its citizens do NOT want it to do.  And the answer is that
zionists control our "news" media, which greatly influences public opinion,
which adversely affects actions by Congress.

You raise a good point.  How can Congress claim to be "civilized" when it
keeps waging uncivilized wars on every gnat in sight.

John Knight

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