Re. brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Richard August raugust at ptd.net
Fri Oct 11 21:05:47 EST 2002

Dear John,

If interracial marriages were a crime now, which they are not, then I would
be working with two of the worst criminals in history - white women married
to black men.  One of these women even has several children by a black man.

Granted, these two white women aren't the brightest bulbs in the box, but at
least they are WORKING, and not on WELFARE.

The fact is that interracial marriage is no longer a crime, and as long as
the couples are on the same wavelength and don't beat or kill each other,
let them have each other.  I choose to remain celibate for Godly, Christian
reasons - possibly Oblation/Novitiation to a Lutheran Benedictine Monastery
(we already discussed that).

Neither you nor I can change the world, John, and we cannot let the world
change us.  We can only let God and His Word change us, and forget about the
rest of the world.

Meanwhile, we can pray that God changes US, and that the changes that God
makes in US would make US worthy of His Kingdom, which is Holy and Righteous
and Eternal.

May God help us to become real Christians with caring souls, instead of
careless, hateful, and spiteful beings, as we are fast becoming,


Richard C. August

"John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote in message
news:vpXo9.125110$S32.8952206 at news2.west.cox.net...
> Dear Mr. August,
> Niggers look like niggers, even if they have blonde hair, white skin, or
> blue eyes, so they SHOULD be required to list themselves as niggers if
> are 1/16th nigger [presumably you meant 1/16th rather than 1/6th?].
> Furthermore, anyone with ANY nigger ancestry ought to be required by law
> list that ancestry.  It's a violation of God's Law to fail to keep the
> Christian Israelite Race pure.  To fail to inform a pure White Christian
> Israelite that the person they might be marrying is a nigger SHOULD be a
> crime.
> For thousands of years before the jews got into this country in record
> numbers, this made common sense, to everyone, which is why the Holy Bible,
> the US Constitution, and all state laws made miscegenation with muds a
> John Knight
> "Richard August" <raugust at ptd.net> wrote in message
> news:UmVo9.3836$Ye5.1153761 at nnrp1.ptd.net...
> > John, some states (such as Louisiana) require that you list your race as
> > "Black" or "Negroid" if you are 1/6th black.  That means your skin could
> be
> > white as driven snow, your eyes could be sky blue, and your hair as
> > as puffed rice cereal.  To that state, you are still "Black".  Just
> thought
> > I'd let you know that.  -- Richard C. August
> >
> >
> > "John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote in message
> > news:fWgm9.94163$S32.6254919 at news2.west.cox.net...
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > "Dan Holzman" <holzman at panix.com> wrote in message
> > > news:anb2nl$s2g$1 at panix2.panix.com...
> > > > In article <f17m9.5696$Fl4.506637 at news20.bellglobal.com>,
> > > > Parse Tree <parsetree at hotmail.com> wrote:
> > > > >That's false.  Race is entirely biological.  Ethnicity is social,
> > the
> > > > >meanings of the two have been blurred together due to ignorance.
> > > >
> > > > I would direct your attention to a book entitled _White By Law_,
> > > > you will find listed at the book retailer's web site of your choice.
> It
> > > > tracks the development of race as a legal principle in American
law --
> > > > a crucial point because for quite some time only "White" people
> > > > immigrate.  Particularly amusing was how Syrians went back and forth
> > > > between being non-white and white over the course of 30 years.
> > > >
> > > > Race is not biological, despite all the pseudoscience that has come
> > > > around it.  It's purely a social and legal definition, which is why
> > > > there exist fair-skinned, blonde-haired, blue-eyed women whose
> > > > passports listed them as "Black" or "Octaroon."
> > >
> > >
> > > The simple fact that you too think it's odd that "fair-skinned,
> > > blonde-haired, blue-eyed women" would be listed as "'Black' or
> 'Octaroon'"
> > > is proof enough that you don't believe your own bs.
> > >
> > > By DEFINITION, race is also GENETIC!  You cannot excluded genetics
> > > because there are a few exceptions to the rule.  This would be like
> saying
> > > "all Americans are on death row" because 3,000 Americans are on death
> row.
> > > Just because there might be 3,000 blonde bimbos listed as niggers
> doesn't
> > > eliminate the other 480 million members from the Caucasian Race.
> > >
> > > John Knight
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

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