Re. brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Cary Kittrell cary at afone.as.arizona.edu
Fri Oct 11 12:46:16 EST 2002

In article <JhDp9.133406$S32.9654938 at news2.west.cox.net> "John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> writes:
<"Bob LeChevalier" <lojbab at lojban.org> wrote in message
<news:k3lbqus9gijogr727a8lq87t552ago3gv5 at 4ax.com...
<> Now if you want us to believe that the difference between races is
<> supernatural in nature, then indeed science has nothing to say.  But
<> if there is a supposedly natural basis for race, then science should
<> be able to detect it.  But of course it cannot.
<The Holy Bible IS "science", by every definition of the word, and it DOES
<*scientifically* describe the differences between the races, in GREAT

Mmmm hmmm.  Might I touble you to quote these Biblical scientific
and highly detailed definitions of race?  I mean, iunless they're way too 
long, that is.

<It is an extreme minority "opinion" that science can't determine race.  Even
<the STUPID jews in Israel use *science* to determine if jews are jewish
<enough to qualify for the "law of return".  DNA studies PROVE that the
<genetic differences between niggers and Asians are just about as big as the
<genetic differences between niggers and apes.

Oh, and I'm sure you can document that last claim.  No, go ahead, take
as long as you want.  I'm not going anywhere.

-- cary

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