In article <3da610ab.35954736 at> JDay123 at (Jd) writes:
<Bob LeChevalier <lojbab at> wrote:
<>Science is quite relevant to race - it says that there are no races
<>other than the human race. And race would not be an issue at all, if
<>racists like you did not make it an issue. It certainly is not one of
<>the most important issues of today.
<Race is an issue because there are various races which at times,
<claim that they are being discriminated against because of their
Quite true. And there at times people who claim to be of one
race who do discriminate against people whom they regard
as being of another race. I grew up in the pre civil-rights
South, and I know a bit about that.
(See? It wasn't cruel nuns I escaped from, it was cruel
Southern Baptists. But you were close. Or maybe it
was elves; those memories are a bit hazy. Yeah, definitely
elves. Cruel elves)
-- cary