"Lance O. Lake" <hammer at stakepounders.us> wrote in message
news:0001HW.B9CBA3380006AFF7134DA4F0 at news-east.giganews.com...
> On Thu, 10 Oct 2002 19:51:40 -0500, Jd wrote
> (in message <3da60b46.34573757 at news1.lig.bellsouth.net>):
>> > Bob LeChevalier <lojbab at lojban.org> wrote:
> >> We are a superpower as much because we
> >> have lots of people and lots of natural resources as any other factor.
> >> We've also been lucky.
> >
> > Do you have any statistics which prove what you just said and proves
> > that Africa doesn't have those same things?
> >
> > Jd
Africa has three times as many people and ten times as many natural
resources. Africans didn't fail to develop those resources because they
weren't "lucky"--they failed to develop them because they are INCAPABLE of
comprehending Christianity, whereas the White man CAN understand it.
John Knight