brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

John Knight jwknight at polbox.com
Fri Oct 11 11:10:59 EST 2002

"Lance O. Lake" <hammer at stakepounders.us> wrote in message
news:0001HW.B9CB84EB001A5CD215ABA7A0 at news-east.giganews.com...
> On Thu, 10 Oct 2002 13:28:02 -0500, Jd wrote
> (in message <3da5c333.16120875 at news1.lig.bellsouth.net>):
> > Lance O. Lake <hammer at stakepounders.us> wrote:
> >
> >>> Jd wrote
> >>>
> >>> There just might be evidence afterall that some did evolve from mud.
> >
> >> 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and
> >> breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living
> >> soul.
> >
> >>
> >>> Problem is, there is no way in my view to deal with these folks in a
> >>> rational manner.  I do however have a far greater appreciation for
> >>> the words found in the Declaration of Independence and in the Boston
> >>> Tea Party concept having come in contact with such folks.
> >>>
> >>> As far as brain cell counts and test scores, I'll have to take your
> >>> word for it since I'm not statistically minded.  I often marvel when
> >>> I see all those statisitcs (along with interprative comments) fly
> >>> across my screen, perhaps because I lack the ability to compile
> >>> things in such a manner.
> >>>
> >>> Jd
> >>>
> >>>
> >> The entities that were not made from mud were not made by God,
> >>
> >> Although some would say it was a 100 pounds of clay.
> >
> > Ok, let's take your perspective for a moment or 2.  Which race in
> > this current day and time appears to have evolved into a superior
> > role in civilzation?  Cite your evidence please.
> >
> > Or if you wish, just sight some evidence and let me decide whether
> > or not evolution had anything to do with it.  Start anywhere.  Test
> > scores, other intellectual acheivements, world dominance, athletics,
> > bank accounts, business ownership, prison population studies, crime
> > studies etc. etc.
> >
> > I do enjoy seeing statistics fly across my screen partly because I
> > have virtually 0 ability in compliling such things.  But in all
> > honesty, I can't recall ever seeing any stats which even remotely
> > suggest that Africa may become the next superpower.
> >
> Are you saying that a superpower is the same as civilization? I don't
> we're speaking the same language.
> My intitial response would be to say that the Iroquois would be my
> for the most civilized entity in the past few centuries.
> Some of the native African cultures would probably be on top for courage
> strength of character.
> Of course if you're equating civilization with superpower, that would be
> the last century Japan, Germany, Communist China, India, Pakistan, Israel
> possibly a few others. If you think civilization is determined by your
> ratio.
> Lance

White Christian Israelites from Europe have spent centuries and hundreds of
billions of dollars to attempt to civilize niggers in Africa, and failed
miserably.  In the short time since the British pulled out of Tanzania, the
civilized part of it has almost completely disappeared.  The banks, roads,
schools, churches, government buildings, etc., built by the British are
already almost beyond recognition, and the niggers I know there literally
fear for their lives.  In spite of all the stories about how nasty the
British and French colonialists were, most people in those countries were
very sorry to see them leave.

Civilization isn't based on "courage and strength of character" (which was
mostly the catalyst to niggers killing each other by the tens of millions).
It's based the ability to create communities where people respect each
other's rights, which the niggers in this country who kill an average of 12
Whites every day will never learn.

John Knight

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