Central Nervous System

Lance Sherman lancesherman at insightBB.com
Thu Oct 10 10:05:47 EST 2002

and i thought i knew what the CNS is...

Including the retina was very surprising to me, James. And to quote Jerry
Seinfeld, "not that there's anything wrong with that."

"James Teo" <james at teoth.fsnet.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3da4b714.15547976 at news.btopenworld.com...
> On Wed, 9 Oct 2002 18:07:53 -0400, "Omar Bohsali"
> <omarbohsali at omarbohsali.com> wrote:
> >Hi.
> >
> >Could somebody please breif me on what a Central Nervous system is?
> To keep things simple: the brain, spinal cord and retina.
> As opposed to the Peripheral Nervous system which is made up of all
> the other nervous tissue which are not the above.
> >Omar Bohsali
> >http://www.omarbohsali.com
> Neat website.

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