brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Bob LeChevalier lojbab at lojban.org
Wed Oct 9 17:30:47 EST 2002

"John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
>"Dan Holzman" <holzman at panix.com> wrote in message
>news:ansnn2$nl7$1 at panix1.panix.com...
>> http://academic.udayton.edu/race/01race/white.htm
>>   In its first words on the subject of citizenship, Congress in
>>   1790 restricted naturalization to "white persons."  Though the
>>   requirements for naturalization changed frequently thereafter,
>>   this racial prerequisite to citizenship endured for over a century
>>   and a half, remaining in force until 1952.  From the earliest
>>   years of this country until just a generation ago, being a "white
>>   person" was a condition for acquiring citizenship.
>>   ...a number of cases construing the "white person" prerequisite reached
>>   the highest state and federal judicial circles, and two were
>>   argued before the U.S. Supreme Court in the early 1920s.  These
>>   cases produced illuminating published decisions that document
>>   the efforts of would-be citizens from around the world to establish
>>   their Whiteness at law.  Applicants from Hawaii, China, Japan,
>>   Burma, and the Philippines, as well as all mixed-race applicants,
>>   failed in their arguments.  Conversely, courts ruled that applicants
>>   from Mexico and Armenia were "white," but vacillated over the
>>   Whiteness of petitioners from Syria, India, and Arabia.  Seen as
>>   a taxonomy of Whiteness, these cases are instructive because they
>>   reveal the imprecisions and contradictions inherent in the
>>   establishment of racial lines between White and non-Whites. . .
>> John will no doubt stay awake at night wondering how Jews got
>> citizenship between 1790 and 1952.

> The court MERELY responded to the cultural definition of
>"WHITE", as established THOUSANDS of years ago,

Provide any evidence that there was a cultural definition of "white"
established thousands of years ago, and that this definition is the
one recognized culturally today.

>What the court was clearly incapable of determining is that NOBODY with
>nigger ancestry can ever claim to be "White",

Of course they can, and those that do, you probably cannot tell

>The White Race, the Caucasian Race, the White Christian Israelite Race, are

Nonsense, as usual.


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