Re. brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Bob LeChevalier lojbab at lojban.org
Wed Oct 9 17:20:10 EST 2002

"John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
>This is PROOF that "liberals" and jews could NOT care less if Christians
>were killed during WWII, because to them, the ONLY crime would have been if
>even ONE jew died.

I fail to see how one follows from the other.

For one thing, I know many people care about people who die whether
they die from crime or not.

There is no discussion about Christians that died in WW II because no
one contests that millions died.  We did something to try to make sure
that it doesn't happen again, by denazification of Germany, the
Marshall Plan, and creating the UN.

There is discussion about the Jews that died because people like you
deny that they died, and because the creation of Israel as one measure
to prevent it happening again ALSO led to controversy and war.  The
Jews also remember their dead because most Jews have close relatives
that died.  Many Americans have relatives that died in WW II, and the
remember those relatives just as much as the Jews remember their dead.

Also important to realize is that many of your "Christian" deaths in
WW II were among "the enemy", and among the Soviets who were only
barely allies during the war, and became "the enemy" immediately after
the war.

>They're SICK, SICK people 

Nope.  That's you.

>who don't deserve one cent from this Christian nation.

You must writing from Vatican City.


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