In article <40_o9.125272$S32.8986549 at> "John Knight" <jwknight at> writes:
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<"Cary Kittrell" <cary at> wrote in message =
<news:ao1o02$msk$1 at
<> Here's an intellectual challenge for you to get around, from =
<> Einstein:
<> Albert 1879-1955 American (German-born) physicist; enunciated =
<> of relativity; discovered equivalence of mass and energy =
<(E=3Dmc2), etc.;
<> awarded 1921 Nobel prize for physics for contributing to =
<> physics and his photoelectric law
<> <Unless you claim that "evolution" caused EACH species to "evolve" =
<> <precisely the same form originally that EACH species is in now, then =
<> <MUST claim that one species "evolved" into another species. The =
<> <option is called "creation", which leaves you with only ONE other =
<> <which is "speciation".
<> <
<> <There is nothing else.
<> <
<> Yo, lojbab! Would you be so kind as to do your magic thing again,
<> and explain to me what the .uck John's on about? I think all
<> those extra brain cells are cutting off the circulation to
<> his Wernicke's -- he's babbling again.
<> Thanks in advance.
<> -- cary
<All you need to do is ask.
<btw, thanks for the reminder that Einstein was a LIAR, a PLAGIARIST, and =
<a CRIMINAL, not a "scientist".
Sorry, but the Word of the Dictionary is final. You've taught
me that. We don't even need textbooks on a subject, all you
have to do is look up the two or three sentences in the
dictionary, and you know all there is to know on any
subject. Isn't that WONDERFUL?
(abrupt lurching anti-sequiteur about Japan and Iraq snipped)
-- cary