"Lance O. Lake" <hammer at stakepounders.us> wrote in message
news:0001HW.B9C9D520002BD05C1372C670 at news-east.giganews.com...
> On Wed, 9 Oct 2002 10:45:18 -0500, John Knight wrote
> (in message <iaYo9.125164$S32.8962767 at news2.west.cox.net>):
>> >
> > "Lance O. Lake" <hammer at stakepounders.us> wrote in message
> > news:0001HW.B9C513D4000A644112C3F340 at news-west.giganews.com...> >>>
> >>>
> >>> First of all, the Jews can't even get their figures straight about how
> > many
> >>> of their own kind died, and who's to blame for it. Second of all,
> > millions
> >>> more Christians died in WW2 than Jews did, according to YOUR listed
> > website.
> >>>
> >>> So where's your holocaust, bub? Is it with your Bubbie at the Stone
> > Avenue
> >>> Talmud Torah? Is the Cantor howling its litany during the Days of
> > or
> >>> is it largely chanted as mantra during Tisha B'Av?
> >>>
> >>> How does it feel to taste your heel?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Sincerely,
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Richard C. August
> >>>
> >>>
> >> Your fanaticism belies your argument. You need to have your blood
> >> checked before you hurt yourself.
> >>
> >> Lance
> >>
> >
> > Tell us, lanceolot, what was the RATIO of dead Christians to dead jews,
> > your "mind"?
> >
> > John Knight
> >
> >
> 1:1, Mr. K-nig-ht.
>> All the dead were dead.
> Lance
Ah, so, there's the problem.
You can't do simple math, can you, bwa!?
Let's do it for you.
IF "6 million jews died in a holocaust", then EIGHT Christians died for
every disgusting dead jew.
IF "1.2 million PEOPLE died in Auschwitz, many of whom were jews", as the
new and improved plaque placed in Auschwitz in 1980 claims, then the ratio
is 80:1 [for you bwa's, that's 80 dead Christians for every dead disgusting
IF 70,000 PEOPLE actually died in Auschwitz, as the latest, revised figures
show (of whom 30,000 the jews CLAIM were jews), then the ratio is 1,600:1
[in bwa language, that's 1,600 dead Christians to 1 dead disgusting jew].
Now we know what it is about you that you can't seem to wrap your long,
knuckle dragging arms around the problem, eh?
John Knight