brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

John Knight jwknight at polbox.com
Wed Oct 9 10:58:01 EST 2002

"Dan Holzman" <holzman at panix.com> wrote in message
news:ansnn2$nl7$1 at panix1.panix.com...
> In article <e2lo9.120046$S32.8304397 at news2.west.cox.net>,
> John Knight <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
> >
> >This is typical of the STUPIDITY of jews.
> >
> >You jews are so STUPID that you "think" our courts define scientific or
> >social or cultural classifications, but that our scientists don't.
> http://academic.udayton.edu/race/01race/white.htm
>   In its first words on the subject of citizenship, Congress in
>   1790 restricted naturalization to "white persons."  Though the
>   requirements for naturalization changed frequently thereafter,
>   this racial prerequisite to citizenship endured for over a century
>   and a half, remaining in force until 1952.  From the earliest
>   years of this country until just a generation ago, being a "white
>   person" was a condition for acquiring citizenship.
>   ...a number of cases construing the "white person" prerequisite reached
>   the highest state and federal judicial circles, and two were
>   argued before the U.S. Supreme Court in the early 1920s.  These
>   cases produced illuminating published decisions that document
>   the efforts of would-be citizens from around the world to establish
>   their Whiteness at law.  Applicants from Hawaii, China, Japan,
>   Burma, and the Philippines, as well as all mixed-race applicants,
>   failed in their arguments.  Conversely, courts ruled that applicants
>   from Mexico and Armenia were "white," but vacillated over the
>   Whiteness of petitioners from Syria, India, and Arabia.  Seen as
>   a taxonomy of Whiteness, these cases are instructive because they
>   reveal the imprecisions and contradictions inherent in the
>   establishment of racial lines between White and non-Whites. . .
> John will no doubt stay awake at night wondering how Jews got
> citizenship between 1790 and 1952.

You still don't even comprehend the STUPIDITY of your own statement yet,
even after READING the statement that YOU posted which shows that "the
court" does NOT define RACE.

It seems impossible that jews are THIS STUPID, but here it is, in black and

The above  is not a DEFINITION of RACE.  The "court" didn't even attempt to
"define" RACE.  The court MERELY responded to the cultural definition of
"WHITE", as established THOUSANDS of years ago, long before the "court" ever
even thought about it.

And OBVIOUSLY the "court" screwed up, big time, once again, which is what
MUST be corrected, right now, today, here and now.

What the court was clearly incapable of determining is that NOBODY with
nigger ancestry can ever claim to be "White", no matter how many jews and
niggers and other muds whine about it, no matter what the "scientists" and
biologists and DNA experts write about it, no matter what the UN or NATO or
the FBI or CIA or any other alphabet government agency "thinks" about it.

The White Race, the Caucasian Race, the White Christian Israelite Race, are
ONE RACE which constitutes 8% of the world's population and MUST be
preserved--by man's law, by God's Law, by natural law, and by any other
means necessary, up to and including EXILING all the muds.

Of course you jews don't think this will happen, but you also didn't think
that affirmative action would end but it DID.  And no, we "will [NOT] stay
awake at night wondering how Jews got" to be called "White", because we know
you are 25% niggerized, which is NOT "White".

The US Constitution was written by our Forefathers for their "posterity",
and niggers and jews and other muds aren't their posterity.

John Knight

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