"Dave Wilson" <testaccount2002 at btopenworld.com> wrote in message
news:3DA2AD43.6080300 at btopenworld.com...
> Jd wrote:
> >
> > What I can't accept is the notion that men just began wondering about
> > the origins and development of life here on the planet, in the last
> > couple of hundred years. This seems to be the postion of a few folks
> > here, and they probably would still be believing Al invented the
> > internet if it weren't for all those conservatives out there who knew
> > the history of the whole thing.
> >
> > That which cannot be proven is a matter of faith. By biblical
> > definition, faith is "the substance of things hoped for, the evidence
> > of things not seen". We Christians know God created everything and
> > therefore, do not have to wait for biochemists to invent another
> > theory.
> >
>> May I hazard the wild speculation that *one* of the reasons for the
> relative lack of public speculation about the development of life
> centuries ago in European countries was that 'God did it' was a
> sufficient damper on the curiosity of many people, and that organised
> religion wasn't terribly keen on people offering alternative explanations.
> Fairly obviously, in a situation where the bulk of the population were
> told what to think, thinkers may be cautious about publicising their
> ideas to a wider audience.
>> Dave W.
Which makes the presumption that students in this nation which scored lower
on TIMSS on more subjects than any other TIMSS nation has made some kind of
an "improvement" in "people offering alternative explanations"
I submit to you that it was these "alternative explanations" which destroyed
our culture.
This is not to say that "thinking" should be curtailed in any way--only that
IDIOTS should not be promoted to positions of incompetence through
affirmative action, and then be cited as "experts". They DESTROYED any
chance this nation ever had of "educating" a single soul.
Here are the easily verifiable facts about school prayer. SAT scores in
this nation were 98 points higher before public school prayer was banned by
the US Supreme Court in 1962. In every state, religious schools where
school prayer is still "allowed" score more than 100 points higher than
public schools. Every nation in the world which permits school prayer
scored more than 100 TIMSS points higher than our public schools at the 12th
grade level. It is a VIOLATION of the Holy Bible to prohibit spoken school
prayer, as well as a violation of the will of 70% of the American public.
You deny these facts at your own peril.
John Knight