Lance O. Lake <hammer at> wrote:
>On Mon, 7 Oct 2002 17:40:36 -0500, Jd wrote
>(in message <3da1fd12.25962415 at>):
>>> Matthew Amsel <matthew.amsel at> wrote:
>>>>> Jd wrote:
>>>>>>>> Bob LeChevalier <lojbab at> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>JDay123 at (Jd) wrote:
>>>>>> From the first line in my encyclopedia concerning evolution...
>>>>>>>>>>>> "the complex of processes by which living organisms originated on
>>>>>> earth...."
>>>>>>>>>> Then your encyclopedia is wrong.
>>>>>>>> I should've known.
>>>>>>>> Jd
>>> evolution theory is actually about how life developes from simpler to
>>> more complex and better equipped forms. actual origination is a matter
>>> for the biochem people.
>>>> What I can't accept is the notion that men just began wondering
>> about the origins and development of life here on the planet, in the
>> last couple of hundred years. This seems to be the postion of a few
>> folks here, and they probably would still be believing Al invented
>> the internet if it weren't for all those conservatives out there who
>> knew the history of the whole thing.
>>>> That which cannot be proven is a matter of faith. By biblical
>> definition, faith is "the substance of things hoped for, the
>> evidence of things not seen". We Christians know God created
>> everything and therefore, do not have to wait for biochemists to
>> invent another theory.
>>>> Jd
>>>Between God creating polio and bio-chemists creating the polio vaccine . . .
Let me guess.... you don't agree with the concept that all men have
sinned against God.