brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Jd JDay123 at BellSouth.com
Tue Oct 8 19:40:20 EST 2002

Dave Wilson <testaccount2002 at btopenworld.com> wrote: 

>Jd wrote:
> >
> > What I can't accept is the notion that men just began wondering about
> > the origins and development of life here on the planet, in the last
> > couple of hundred years.  This seems to be the postion of a few folks
> > here, and they probably would still be believing Al invented the
> > internet if it weren't for all those conservatives out there who knew
> > the history of the whole thing.
> >
> > That which cannot be proven is a matter of faith.  By biblical
> > definition, faith is "the substance of things hoped for, the evidence
> > of things not seen".  We Christians know God created everything and
> > therefore, do not have to wait for biochemists to invent another
> > theory.
> >
>May I hazard the wild speculation that *one* of the reasons for the 
>relative lack of public speculation about the development of life 
>centuries ago in European countries was that 'God did it' was a 
>sufficient damper on the curiosity of many people, and that organised 
>religion wasn't terribly keen on people offering alternative explanations.
>Fairly obviously, in a situation where the bulk of the population were 
>told what to think, thinkers may be cautious about publicising their 
>ideas to a wider audience.

Well, that could be part of it.  I hold that everything is right on
schedule with the way the Bble said things would be.  No one has
caught God by surprise in inventing anything or in postulating any
theories.  Nor do I think God is surprised at how arrogant men have
become in this day and time.


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