synaptic plasticity

Matt Jones jonesmat at physiology.wisc.edu
Tue Oct 8 17:16:16 EST 2002

corani at elet.polimi.it (Giorgio Corani) wrote in message news:<18e73f13.0210070005.4a46fa6d at posting.google.com>...
> Dear all,
> it is widely recognized that synapsys are continuatively re-organized
> (i.e., they have a plastic behavior).
>  I've heard that such re-organization is however very efficient:
> despite neuron apoptosis, the left connections improve continuatively
> their efficiency/meaningfulness. Hence, such re-organization is able
> to mitigate the apoptosis effects.
> Can someone suggest some bibliography pertaining such topic?
> Regards, 
> Giorgio


It might be better to think of apoptosis as another form of
plasticity, rather than something bad that needs to be mitigated.
During development,  growth of new connections, plasticity, pruning of
unwanted connections and apoptosis all occur in a seemingly
coordinated manner to sculpt the eventual architecture of the nervous

Here's two reviews that should contain good bibliographies:

Segal I, Korkotian I, Murphy DD.	 
Dendritic spine formation and pruning: common cellular mechanisms?
Trends Neurosci. 2000 Feb;23(2):53-7. Review.

Constantine-Paton M, Cline HT.	
LTP and activity-dependent synaptogenesis: the more alike they are,
 the more different they become.
Curr Opin Neurobiol. 1998 Feb;8(1):139-48. Review.


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