brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Bob LeChevalier lojbab at lojban.org
Tue Oct 8 03:58:13 EST 2002

JDay123 at BellSouth.com (Jd) wrote:
>>So I suggest that you discard your unnamed encyclopedia and get one
>>that actually has information in it.
>This proves 2 things. 1) that you do not have all the available
>information on the subject at hand and 

I could hardly contest a claim that I am less than omniscient.  But
how is that relevant.

>2) you kick out all data points which do not fit your pre-established curve.

I trust references that are consistent with other references, and that
are not known for off the wall nonsense.

>Both 1 and 2 are a result of the mindset which operates by trend analysis.

Why yes!  A scientific mind does look at trends.  They are patterns of

>As far as discarding my encyclopedia, I don't rely on it much to
>begin with so it's as good as discarded (well almost) anyway.

Nothing like ignorance to further your growth.

>But the portion I quoted was just the first line.

When the first line is egregiously wrong, I'm not inclined to read
further.  But I gave you entire first paragraphs of 3 different
encyclopedias, and they all agreed.

>It has plenty of info
>in it and I agree with some here that all info in encyclopedias is
>not 100% truth.

You seem to have this hangup about "truth".  Only religion and
philosophy pretend to be about "truth". For other subjects, what
matters is evidence and inference.

>That's why we need Bibles.  You will find in the
>Bible that science began with Adam.

Not according to any modern concept of science.

>God gave Adam the duty of starting the Scientific Classification
>And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field,
>and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he
>would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature,
>that was the name thereof. (Genesis 2:19)

Naming things is "language", not "scientific classification".


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