brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Jd JDay123 at BellSouth.com
Mon Oct 7 17:40:39 EST 2002

holzman at panix.com (Dan Holzman) wrote: 

>In article <3d9e4d69.9850404 at news1.lig.bellsouth.net>,
>Jd <JDay123 at BellSouth.com> wrote:
>>>>I'm never amused when evolutionists have no idea what their theory
>>>>says.  The current version obviously intrudes on the origins of
>>>Cite a reference, please.
>>No.  I've already been told that my encyclopedia is wrong.  
>If you will not cite a reference about such a claim, then you've no
>right to expect to have the claim taken seriously.

I don't want or need any of those types of rights.  Like I told BobC
(which he couldn't muster the courage to answer) I've met God
himself.  I've learned that I will have far fewer (if any) problems
with folks who've become right with God than with folks who are not.
If someone doesn't take my words seriously why should I have any
respect whatsoever for them?  Why should I be bound by the morals
and ethics of men who don't trust their fellow man and are living in
the shadows of suspicion?  I think the guys who tried to keep Jesus
and the disciples from eating free corn on the sabbath were the very
same suspicious and untrustful type.  

>>As a Biologists however, I assure you that many of the folks here are
>>blowing smoke and breaking wind at the same time.
>I'd already clocked two in this very discussion:  John Knight and you.
>Argument from authority doesn't cut it, either.

Doesn't cut what?  Usually when folks want me to read between the
lines they write at least 2 lines.


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