Correct me if I'm wrong (which is likely, because I'm not a scientist), but
don't they have to grow stem cells in unborn babies?
And the controversial matter if this is correct would of course be what to
do with the foetus them stem cells is grown within.
This is only what I've learned in biology in school, so as I said I'm not
sure if I'm right.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Marquez" <dmarquez3 at>
Newsgroups: bionet.neuroscience
Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002 9:51 PM
Subject: Re: Nerve Cell Clones
> I think this is exciting research. What I'm confused about is why such
> cell research is so controversial! (Does anybody here understand why?)
>> Dan
"Dan Marquez" <dmarquez3 at> skrev i meddelandet
news:1Blo9.53618$X9.10258842 at
> I think this is exciting research. What I'm confused about is why such
> cell research is so controversial! (Does anybody here understand why?)
>> Dan