"Dan Holzman" <holzman at panix.com> wrote in message
news:anrrn3$qaa$1 at panix2.panix.com...
> In article <lqao9.118833$S32.8192846 at news2.west.cox.net>,
> John Knight <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
> >
> >How could you live
> >in this "multi-cultural" country and still claim that "Scientists tried
> >years to categorize these things" at the SAME time that you claim that
> >"Legislation and court ruling are the only things that have ever
> >meaningfully defined races"?
>> Unless you're asserting that legislators and judges are scientitists,
> even you ought have no trouble parsing the two statements as
> consistent with one another.
This is typical of the STUPIDITY of jews.
You jews are so STUPID that you "think" our courts define scientific or
social or cultural classifications, but that our scientists don't.
You have this exactly backwards, except that American "scientists" can't
take much credit for defining much of anything when it comes to race, as
each race and ethnic group and nation were very well defined in the Holy
Bible thousands of years before our pathetically feminized "scientists" ever
reared their ugly heads.
If they weren't so STUPID themselves, they wouldn't be trying to redefine
the races that the Holy Bible already clearly defined years ago.
Even when our courts do venture into territory they have NO business being
in, an area they are completely incompetent to formulate even the most basic
concepts, they have absolutely no incentive to formulate a workable concept,
while they have $billions of reasons to formulate concepts which do nothing
but accelerate the breakdown of society that they started in the first
Go to Madagascar and practice your witchcraft on niggers. We honkeys just
don't need it no mo'!
John Knight