synaptic plasticity

Dan Marquez dmarquez3 at socal.rr.com
Mon Oct 7 12:22:22 EST 2002

"Giorgio Corani" <corani at elet.polimi.it> wrote in message
news:18e73f13.0210070005.4a46fa6d at posting.google.com...
> Dear all,
> it is widely recognized that synapsys are continuatively re-organized
> (i.e., they have a plastic behavior).
>  I've heard that such re-organization is however very efficient:
> despite neuron apoptosis, the left connections improve continuatively
> their efficiency/meaningfulness. Hence, such re-organization is able
> to mitigate the apoptosis effects.
> Can someone suggest some bibliography pertaining such topic?
> Regards,
> Giorgio

Now that is intriquing.  I too would like to know the bibiography when you
find out.  No wonder rat back injuries can be cured with just a slap of stem
cells gluing the injured site!


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