"John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
>> >> These things are categorized all the time. There's simply no
>> >> scientific basis for the categories. Scientists tried for years to
>> >> categorize these things. Everything they've thought of to use to
>> >> categorize these things has turned out not to work.
>> >
>> >They should try harder. The fact that they haven't in no way indicates that
>> >it is not possible. Our sense indicate that people are physically
>> >different, in fact.
>>>> We weren't addressing what's possible. We were addressing what has
>> been done. It is possible that gravitation will be refuted tomorrow,
>> and about as likely as "race" being validated.
>>You jews MUST be stupider than niggers, much stupider!
Not stupider than YOU.
>How could you live in this "multi-cultural" country
not relevant
> and still claim that "Scientists tried for
>years to categorize these things" at the SAME time that you claim that
>"Legislation and court ruling are the only things that have ever
>meaningfully defined races"?
Because both are true.
>The Holy Bible defines numerous
>races to such finite detail that it gives the complete genealogy of the
>Twelve Races [read: Tribes] of Israel, of jews, of Edomites, Hittites,
>Canaanites, Ashkenaz, on and on, all of which go back thousands of years.
But that does not define them at all. Take an average member of the
tribe of Benjamin. Is he of the "race" of Benjaminites or the "race"
of Israelites or the "race" of Hebrews or the "race" of Semites, and
what does ANY of this have to do with skin color?
>You jews even have nicknames for talk all the RACES, for Arabs, and Whites,
>and "Blacks", even fellow jews, then in the same post deny that scientists
>can't even "categorize these things".
The is no way for a scientist, based only on things he can observe
directly, to determine if someone is a member of the Benjaminites or
not or any of the other "races" that you mention, because we cannot
directly observe lines of descent.
>If you jews can do it, certainly some
>affirmative action American "scientist" can, too. There are many criteria
>by which scientists can determine and define different races,
Name any of them. No scientific criteria.
>most of which you jews can't ever hope to comprehend,
Try us. Then show how you can go up to a random person on the street
and determine which race that person uniquely belongs to.
>yet you STILL are able to detect the differences between Koreans and Japs
I can't detect the differences.
>and niggers
We will await your evidence that you could tell that a light-skinned
blonde with a single black great grandfather was "black" as the courts
once defined her to be.