Brain Damage from Heart Attack

Pete prussell at mteliza.com.au
Sun Oct 6 20:03:08 EST 2002

monday 7-10
Hi, maybe i am posting this in the wrong group, and would love to be
directed to the most approriate one if this is so. (or anywheere else
i can get info)

Last Thursday my Fathrer in law suffered a massive heart attack whilst
in hospital, 2 days after having his hip replaced. He is 57yo. My
8month pregnant wife and 18month old daughter were at his side when
this occured and sought help urgently, my FIL was revived (as his
heart and breathing has ceased)

It is estimated that he was without oxygen, or poor oxygen during CPR
for something like 8 - 14min.

He had his breathing ventalated and 'a heart pump' inserted to pump
for his heart to allow it some recovery time, and i assume supplied
all the anti coagelants. He was sedated for 2 days to ensure he rested
etc etc

On Sat the sedation was turned off, but he still hasnt shown a lot of
signs that he is 'in there'. The dr/nurse says he is in the lowest
bracket of responsivesness, in that pain test etc etc have only
illicted mild reflex type responses. His eye are open and not really
focusing on anything, the family believe he has responded to voices 3
or 4 times, and occaisionly to pain...

Has had all manner pof medical tests, CT scan etc which only tell us
that there is nothing strikingly wrong, they dont seem to prove that
things are ok.

The family are trying all type of stimulants, eg reading the crickets
scores, music, favorite aftershave, wash his hair, pull hairs from
arms, yell at him, etc etc etc So far it doesnt seem like much is

I was hoping that some one might be able to point me towards any
advice from others who are experienced and what they did, some
recovery stories, things of this anture, and of course any medical
literature on this particular topic, unfortuantely i have not been
able to determine what the medical profesion use to describe his
current cond...

Any tips/pointers greatly appreciated.

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