Richard August wrote:
> "Bob LeChevalier" <lojbab at> wrote in message
> news:p1tmpukb5ar1hgqoetph19kon81rbh5p3h at> > "John Knight" <jwknight at> wrote:
> > >> What do you mean by "disprove"? Can someone disprove that the World
> > >> Almanac had certain numbers in it? No, because the numbers were in
> > >> the Almanac. But Almanacs are not primary sources - they get their
> > >> numbers from other sources.
> > >
> > >And if those other sources were FLAWED, then what reason do you have to
> > >believe their MODIFIED figures?
> >
> > There are multiple independent sources used to determine the number of
> > Holocaust deaths:
> >
> >> >
>>> OK, Bob, let's look at that webpage and see who is lying about what
> regarding the holocaust. I republish it in its entirety here.
>ken pangborn has lied about many historical events (and non-historical events)