Re. brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Bob LeChevalier lojbab at lojban.org
Sat Oct 5 23:18:38 EST 2002

"Richard August" <raugust at ptd.net> wrote:
>"Bob LeChevalier" <lojbab at lojban.org> wrote in message
>news:p1tmpukb5ar1hgqoetph19kon81rbh5p3h at 4ax.com...
>> "John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
>> >> What do you mean by "disprove"?  Can someone disprove that the World
>> >> Almanac had certain numbers in it?  No, because the numbers were in
>> >> the Almanac.  But Almanacs are not primary sources - they get their
>> >> numbers from other sources.
>> >
>> >And if those other sources were FLAWED, then what reason do you have to
>> >believe their MODIFIED figures?
>> There are multiple independent sources used to determine the number of
>> Holocaust deaths:
>> http://users.erols.com/mwhite28/warstat1.htm#Hitler
>OK, Bob, let's look at that webpage and see who is lying about what
>regarding the holocaust.  I republish it in its entirety here.

[republishing deleted, since he makes no use of the data]
Your point?

>First of all, the Jews can't even get their figures straight about how many
>of their own kind died, and who's to blame for it.

Since the cites included are those of historians, not of "Jews", your
claim has nothing to do with the site (much less reality).  

Do you think Jews went around conducting international censuses to
establish exact numbers every year?  Even nations that held censuses
did not have good numbers for how many died, as the site shows.

>Second of all, millions
>more Christians died in WW2 than Jews did, according to YOUR listed website.

Millions of PEOPLE died.  We have no idea how many of them were
Christians.  However, even your 48 million (which included the
soldiers), was well under 10% of the "Christian" population of the
involved countries, whereas 6 million Jews was more than a third of
the prewar Jewish population.

>So where's your holocaust, bub?

When you have the vaguest idea of why it is called the "Holocaust",
then there is some reason to argue the matter.

>How does it feel to taste your heel?

I don't know.  You seem the one who has the experience.


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