brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Jd JDay123 at BellSouth.com
Fri Oct 4 22:39:16 EST 2002

"John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote: 

>"Jd" <JDay123 at BellSouth.com> wrote in message
>news:3d9cd6c8.494926 at news1.lig.bellsouth.net...
>> Bob LeChevalier <lojbab at lojban.org> wrote:
>> >"John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
>> >>When a jew says "science", he's talking about something he knows nothing
>> >>about, something which jews have perverted into exactly the opposite of
>> >>normal people consider to be science.
>> >
>> >You are hardly "normal".
>> >
>> >>The "theory of evolution" isn't science.
>> >
>> >Yes it is.
>> >
>> >>It's not even a "theory", by the scientific definition of "theory".
>> >
>> >Evolution is a FACT, and the theory of evolution is the scientifically
>> >accepted explanation of that fact.
>> >
>> >>Yet half of our "scientists" think it is.
>> >
>> >More like 99%
>> >
>> >>Fortunately, 91% of Americans disagree with them and believe that God
>> >>created life.
>> >
>> >Which is irrelevant, since the theory of evolution says NOTHING about
>> >the origin of life.
>> From the first line in my encyclopedia concerning evolution...
>> "the complex of processes by which living organisms originated on
>> earth...."
>> Jd
>Ahh, that's not fair, Jd.
>"Liberals" don't ever permit themselves to be constrained by dictionary
>definitions, encyclopedias, nor facts.  It's how they "feel" which is at
>If a "liberal" says "evolution says NOTHING about the origin of life", your
>disputing that eloquent observation by quoting some White mans' encyclopedia
>is racist, bigoted, anti-semitic, sexist, biased, prejudiced, unfair,
>fundamentalist Christian Naziism.
>John Knight

Yeah, it seems almost too easy to bring the "victim mentality" which
is embedded within the souls of liberals, to the surface.  It's like
their replies are a call to arms for all victims everywhere and
anyone who doesn't tolerate something is public enemy #1.

>ps--how can "liberals" consistently  know so little about the world around
>them, even after they've been corrected a zillion times?


They just don't believe that the kingdom of God fits within the
human body, therefore they run to and fro about the earth seeking
fulfillment from external sources.

"Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the
kingdom of God is within you." - Jesus

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