"Lance O. Lake" <hammer at stakepounders.us> wrote in message
news:0001HW.B9C26D1600035080157AE450 at news-west.giganews.com...
> On Thu, 3 Oct 2002 19:34:01 -0500, Jd wrote
> (in message <3d9cdd4d.2164572 at news1.lig.bellsouth.net>):
>> > Bob LeChevalier <lojbab at lojban.org> wrote:
> >
> >> JDay123 at BellSouth.com (Jd) wrote:
> >>> Not only that, but apparently 48 million Christians dying doesn't
> >>> seem to register in Bob's conscience.
> >>
> >> There is no support for the nincompoop's "48 million Christians" other
> >> than to assume that every non-Jew killed in WWII was a Christian,
> >> which ignores that most of Japan and China are non-Christian. But the
> >> issue is not MY conscience; I am quite bothered by the millions of
> >> non-Jews who died in WW-II. But for the most part, they were not
> >> killed by a special attempt to exterminate a so-called "race". (The
> >> gypsies (Rom) were also targeted by the Nazi's but there are less
> >> accurate numbers for how many there were and how many died - probably
> >> between 200,000 and a million).
> >>
> >> But even if 48 million Christians died, they did not die from an
> >> attempt to systematically exterminate them. Wars are horrible and too
> >> many people die in them. But no one denies that millions died in
> >> WWII, whereas the nincompoop (and perhaps you as well) deny the deaths
> >> of the Holocaust.
> >
> > I've yet to deny anything about WWII. It's reasonable to conclude
> > however, that if someone can be held accountable for ~6 million
> > deaths in one race, that someone can be held accountable for 48
> > million deaths in another. That is if one looks at the issue
> > objectively.
> >
> > Jd
> >
> >
> >
> Absolutely.
>> And isn't it convenient that it was the same psychotic pervert?
>> Lance
It's hard to imagine what kind of a MORON it takes to even think that 48
million Christians dying in WWII, many in firestorms in cities like Dresden
and Hamburg, was less egregious than the putative "six million jews" simply
because of "race".
And THIS from the MORON who doesn't even believe that RACES exist, who
doesn't even "THINK" jews are a RACE.
How disconnected from reality one must be to claim the leadership of
Imagine the "logic" here: jews aren't a RACE, yet ONE DEAD JEW is more
egregious than 48 million dead Christians BECAUSE the dead jew was dead
because of his RACE?
Is it even possible to get more discobobulated than this?
John Knight