Re. brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

sussmanbern sussmanbern at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 4 12:03:30 EST 2002

"John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote in message news:<zPgm9.94144$S32.6254125 at news2.west.cox.net>...
> Do you know what happened in the US in the last six weeks?
> 2,077 AMERICANS were murdered!
> 4,846 AMERICANS died in traffic accidents!!
> 3,566 AMERICANS committed suicide!!!
> 2,890 AMERICANS died of cirrhosis.
> 3,592 AMERICANS died of AIDS.
> 7,127 AMERICANS died of diabetes.
> 9,661 AMERICANS died of the flu and pneumonia.
> 62,254 AMERICANS died of cancer.
> 84,691 AMERICANS died of heart disease.
> http://christianparty.net/deaths1996.htm
> Add it up.  This is 180,704 dead AMERICANS.  This is 36,141 TIMES as many
> dead Americans as dead jews in JUST the last six weeks, and 30 TIMES as many
> as died in the WTC.
> COMBINED, all 180,704 dead AMERICANS got less news coverage than 5 dead
> jews.
  How many people notice that you compared the enormous stats of
Americans who died FROM NATURAL or COMMONPLACE CAUSES with the number
of Israelis specifically killed by Arab terrorism?

   We could, of course, compare the number of Americans who died in
those six weeks, with those Americans whose death is specifically
attributable to terrorism in the last 18 months - which would include
the Sept. 11th attacks - and of course American casualties from
terrorism would also be dwarfed (about 9% of the natural/common
causes).  Yet we consider the Sept 11th deaths sufficient to mount a
war in Afghanistan.

   As for this war killing Afghanis and Arabs who never heard of the
World Trade Center, well, I bet a whole lot of people who worked at
the WTC couldn't find Afghanistan on a map even if you offered them

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