"Glen M. Sizemore" <gmsizemore2 at yahoo.com> wrote in message news:<3d9c4592$1_4 at news.teranews.com>...
> These ideas are very old. The only thing new is the coining of the term
> "meme," and the ridiculous notion that it is useful to say that "memes
> propagate themselves" rather than that practices are selected because they
> contribute to a culture's ability to produce food, housing, and more
> members, and that cultures do this by arranging contingencies of
> reinforcement that select behavior at the individual level. So much for
> "memes." Or, rather, so much for Dawkins' intellectual honesty.
Well, someone clearly has an axe to grind... :P
You appear to have misunderstood memes as practices; however, in
regard to your earlier post, the original ideas of Skinner et al are
discussed in Dr. Blackmore's book.