The Meme Machine unleashed, according to Susan Blackmore.

Tom Osborn SPAMOFFtom at nuix.com.au
Thu Oct 3 23:54:13 EST 2002

Martin Tomasek, mtd at email.cz pondered out loud:
> Is there any reason for 'self' is not only meme-complex?

Introducing (by Blackmore) the term is a bit of a cop out. Not
completely wrong, but not the complete story. [I'm sympathetic
to using memes as SOME of the atoms in an analytic framework
to get insights into networked communications between agents
human, biological and otherwise].

"Meme-complex", maybe should include "meme manager", which is
already beyond a "complex of memes". Memes are communication
epi-phenomena which link hosts, but hosts behave with some
autonomy when a novel meme comes along.

And on and on (as Kurt Vonnegut said more than once).

How much of Blackmore's speculations are testable?

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