brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Jd JDay123 at BellSouth.com
Thu Oct 3 19:33:56 EST 2002

holzman at panix.com (Dan Holzman) wrote: 

>In article <Q_Gm9.97994$S32.6621126 at news2.west.cox.net>,
>John Knight <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
>>"Evolution" CANNOT be observed, to any degree.  The *speculation* that a
>>human "evolved" from some other form of life has NEVER been observed, to ANY
>>degree.  It is *not* a "theory" to presume that humans "evolved" from
>>monkeys just because their skulls have a similar shape any more than it
>>would be a "theory" to speculate that dump trucks "evolved" from Ferrarris
>>just because they both have 8 cylinder engines.
>I'm always amused when anti-evolutionists fail so utterly to even
>correctly articulate the theory with which they disagree.

I'm never amused when evolutionists have no idea what their theory
says.  The current version obviously intrudes on the origins of


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