I don't think it's the right place to post this question. You should
probably post it to bionet.virology.
Anyway, it should be related to the methods different virii use to infect
their host, the host system they target (brain dammages are less
"recoverable" than foot dammages), the rate of replication of the virions
(virus particles), etc.
Hope it can give you some hints to refine your search.
"Kevin Hertzberg" <khertzberg at telia.com> wrote in
news:Bjom9.248$ol2.5792 at newsb.telia.net:
> Hello
>> I'm not an educated virologist, but I'm interested in viral diseases.
> I have a question about the Rabies virus.
>> I wonder why the body immune defence cannot defeat the rabies virus.
> If a patient is infected with Ebola Hemorrhagic fever for example,
> there is a small chance of survival (approx. 10%). But when it come to
> Rabies, it's not the same situation. When the disease has started,
> it's impossible for the body immune defence to defeat it.
>> Can anyone please explain why it is like this? I would really
> appreciate your help.
>>> Kevin Hertzberg