"John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
>When a jew says "science", he's talking about something he knows nothing
>about, something which jews have perverted into exactly the opposite of what
>normal people consider to be science.
You are hardly "normal".
>The "theory of evolution" isn't science.
Yes it is.
>It's not even a "theory", by the scientific definition of "theory".
Evolution is a FACT, and the theory of evolution is the scientifically
accepted explanation of that fact.
>Yet half of our "scientists" think it is.
More like 99%
>Fortunately, 91% of Americans disagree with them and believe that God
>created life.
Which is irrelevant, since the theory of evolution says NOTHING about
the origin of life.
>So who defines "science" here?
>Few Americans trust these DUMB "scientists", as DUMB as little Einstein's,
>to define "science" for them.
>Your fellow jews and "liberals" who have whined "DNA is 99% similar between
>niggers and Whites, so science proves that they're 'equal'", says nothing
>about science, race, niggers, nor DNA, but tons about them. What they
>ignore is that the difference between the DNA Whites and niggers is just
>about as big as the difference between niggers and apes
Since there is NO identifiable genetic difference between blacks and
whites, this is false. There are a few traits like sickle cell that
are USUALLY found in blacks, but are not found in all blacks and are
found in some whites. So too with kinky hair (I had an Irish college
friend who wore a red-headed Afro), thick lips and high-melanin
content in the skin.
>Real science DOES prove that the races were DESIGNED to be different.