Re. brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Bob LeChevalier lojbab at lojban.org
Wed Oct 2 19:37:18 EST 2002

JDay123 at BellSouth.com (Jd) wrote:
>Not only that, but apparently 48 million Christians dying doesn't
>seem to register in Bob's conscience.  

There is no support for the nincompoop's "48 million Christians" other
than to assume that every non-Jew killed in WWII was a Christian,
which ignores that most of Japan and China are non-Christian.  But the
issue is not MY conscience; I am quite bothered by the millions of
non-Jews who died in WW-II.  But for the most part, they were not
killed by a special attempt to exterminate a so-called "race".  (The
gypsies (Rom) were also targeted by the Nazi's but there are less
accurate numbers for how many there were and how many died - probably
between 200,000 and a million).

But even if 48 million Christians died, they did not die from an
attempt to systematically exterminate them.  Wars are horrible and too
many people die in them.  But no one denies that millions died in
WWII, whereas the nincompoop (and perhaps you as well) deny the deaths
of the Holocaust.


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