In article <_jEm9.97635$S32.6596105 at>,
John Knight <jwknight at> wrote:
>>Few Americans trust these DUMB "scientists", as DUMB as little Einstein's,
>to define "science" for them.
One wonders how all those scientists manage to stay gainfully
employed, then, let alone prosperously so. One wonders if John
realizes that the World Wide Web he keeps his home pages on was
invented by a scientist.
>In polite society, nobody needs a dictionary nor science nor an American
>"scientist" to tell a nigger from a jew from an Asian from a Caucasian.
John is quite mistaken on several fronts. When polite society was
concerned with telling people of one race from another, quite a bit of
effort went into establishing social and legal rules for who was of
what race. A blonde haired, blue eyed, fair-skinned individual with a
single Black great grandparent was "Black" and it took entries on a
passport and birth certificate for anyone to tell.
ANd, of course, polite society needed a series of supreme court
battles to determine whether Syrians were white or not.