Re. brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Dan Holzman holzman at panix.com
Wed Oct 2 06:35:42 EST 2002

In article <jAtm9.95572$S32.6452079 at news2.west.cox.net>,
John Knight <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
>How a STUPID jew like Holzman could live in this Christian nation,
>surrounded by different races, witnessing tens of thousands of laws BASED on
>these racial differences, benefitting as a jew minority from these laws, and
>pretend that he actually believes that "Race is not biological", is just one
>of 10,000 reasons that jews CAN NEVER fit into normal societies.

No law addressing the topic of race uses any scientific definition of
race.  In each case, who is of what race is a matter of arbitrary
legal distinction and nothing else.

I wonder what laws John thinks I benefitted from by being Jewish.

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