Rabies virus

Glen M. Sizemore gmsizemore2 at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 2 04:07:07 EST 2002

I advise that no one let Kevin bite them (or salivate on them).

"Kevin Hertzberg" <khertzberg at telia.com> wrote in message
news:Bjom9.248$ol2.5792 at newsb.telia.net...
> Hello
> I'm not an educated virologist, but I'm interested in viral diseases. I
> a question about the Rabies virus.
> I wonder why the body immune defence cannot defeat the rabies virus. If a
> patient is infected with Ebola Hemorrhagic fever for example, there is a
> small chance of survival (approx. 10%). But when it come to Rabies, it's
> the same situation. When the disease has started, it's impossible for the
> body immune defence to defeat it.
> Can anyone please explain why it is like this? I would really appreciate
> your help.
> Kevin Hertzberg

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