There's caucazoid, mongoloid and such. And it certainly is biological.
I don't consider 'black' to be a race, either. It really isn't, in the
strictest sense.
Additionally, Legal definitions tend to differ from technical definitions in
the field. I'm not saying that this is my field, I'm just stating this as
an aside.
"Dan Holzman" <holzman at> wrote in message
news:anb2nl$s2g$1 at
> In article <f17m9.5696$Fl4.506637 at>,
> Parse Tree <parsetree at> wrote:
> >That's false. Race is entirely biological. Ethnicity is social, and the
> >meanings of the two have been blurred together due to ignorance.
>> I would direct your attention to a book entitled _White By Law_, which
> you will find listed at the book retailer's web site of your choice. It
> tracks the development of race as a legal principle in American law --
> a crucial point because for quite some time only "White" people could
> immigrate. Particularly amusing was how Syrians went back and forth
> between being non-white and white over the course of 30 years.
>> Race is not biological, despite all the pseudoscience that has come up
> around it. It's purely a social and legal definition, which is why
> there exist fair-skinned, blonde-haired, blue-eyed women whose
> passports listed them as "Black" or "Octaroon."