I thought readers of bionet.neuroscience might be interested in this
book. For more information, please visit
http://mitpress.mit.edu/0262025116/ Thanks!
Behavioral Endocrinology, 2nd edition
edited by Jill B. Becker, S. Marc Breedlove, David Crews, and Margaret
M. McCarthy
This popular behavioral endocrinology text provides detailed information
on what hormones are, how they affect cells, and how such effects can
alter the behavior of animals, including humans. Presenting a broad
continuum of levels of analysis, from molecular to evolutionary, the
book discusses how genes work, the structure of cells, the interactions
of endocrine organs, the behavior of individuals, the structure of
social hierarchies, and the evolution of mating systems.
The second edition, while maintaining the strengths of the first, has
been thoroughly revised to reflect recent developments in genetics and
molecular biology and related social concerns. It contains four new
chapters: on the use of molecular biology techniques in behavioral
endocrinology, on psychoneuroimmunology, on hormonal influences on
sensorimotor function, and on cognitive function in nonhuman animals.
Jill B. Becker is Professor of Psychology at the University of Michigan.
S. Marc Breedlove is Barnett Rosenberg Professor of Neuroscience at
Michigan State University. David Crews is Ashbel Smith Professor of
Zoology and Psychology at the University of Texas at Austin. Margaret M.
McCarthy is Associate Professor of Physiology at the University of
Maryland School of Medicine.
Michael J. Baum, Jill B. Becker, S. Marc Breedlove, Eliot A. Brenowitz,
C. Sue Carter, Christopher L. Coe, David Crews, Michael Gorman,
Elizabeth Hampson, Thomas R. Insel, Darcy B. Kelley, Lance J.
Kriegsfeld, Theresa M. Lee, Margaret M. McCarthy, Robert M. Sapolsky,
Rae Silver, James W. Truman, Christina L. Williams, Larry J. Young.
8 x 10, 775 pp., 196 illus., paper ISBN 0-262-52321-3, cloth ISBN
A Bradford Book