In article <jCkm9.94782$S32.6296921 at>,
John Knight <jwknight at> wrote:
>>> If you wonder if John reads this stuff before posting it, look no
>> further than this...
>>>> >
>> >
>> >There are nearly 4,000 genetic diseases known that afflict the world's
>> >population. However, in almost every ethnic, racial, or demographic
>> >certain genetic diseases occur at higher frequencies among their members
>> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>> >than in the general population. Such is the case for the Jewish people.
>> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>>>> Of course, John doesn't understand the difference between "higher
>> frequency" and "only Jews get, and no other race."
>>>>There are NO genetic diseases like this in the Caucasian Race, and only ONE
>with niggers.
This very disease exists in the Caucasian "race."
"In the general population, the incidence of Tay-Sachs carriers is
about 1 in 250."
There is no disease which infects only one "race."