Re. brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Dan Holzman holzman at panix.com
Tue Oct 1 11:28:33 EST 2002

In article <Mjhm9.94232$S32.6258597 at news2.west.cox.net>,
John Knight <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
>Why is it that the jews are whining so much about the genetic diseases which
>only jews get, which no other race gets, if "It has no biological reality"?

If you wonder if John reads this stuff before posting it, look no
further than this...

>There are nearly 4,000 genetic diseases known that afflict the world's
>population. However, in almost every ethnic, racial, or demographic group,
>certain genetic diseases occur at higher frequencies among their members
>than in the general population. Such is the case for the Jewish people.

Of course, John doesn't understand the difference between "higher
frequency" and "only Jews get, and no other race."

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